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Religious Education

Religious Education at St. Anne's Catholic Primary School
Religious Education Lead: Mr Cassidy


Religious Education is at the heart of our whole school curriculum and school life at St. Anne’s Catholic Primary School. It is about the development of a way of living which improves the quality of life for all. It is also underpinned by our mission statement: ‘With Christ at the centre of our lives, we live out our call to serve the young. It is not enough to love children; they must know that they are loved’. Within Religious Education, our primary intent is to develop knowledge, understanding, reflection skills and religious experiences.

We aim that children will:

> Grow in religious literacy and understanding.

> Gain a wide range of experiences to build their sense of belonging.

> Be active participants in RE as well as our whole school worships, Masses and celebrations.


Religious Education is a core subject in the school and follows the ‘Come and See’ Scheme recommended by the Diocese. Through this scheme, the children are taught the basis of the Catholic Faith and morality, which is constantly related to their own life experience. This will help your child to come to a fuller knowledge and love of God which will support their development as young Catholics.

Following the stipulation of the Bishop’s Conference of England and Wales, St. Anne’s spends 10% of the teaching week on Religious Education. In Key Stage 1 (KS1), RE is allocated 2 ¼ hours per week and in Key Stage 2 (KS2), RE is allocated 2 ½ hours per week.

As part of the Religious Education programme of study, children will also be taught about the world faiths, Judaism and Islam.


The teaching of Religious Education at St. Anne’s Catholic Primary School supports children in living as responsible young Catholics, who feel confident in themselves to be able to make a difference. Through exploring the curriculum, they will be able to consider their role within the local and wider community, whilst meeting the age-related expectations for Religious Education.

Children at St. Anne’s will:

> Achieve their full potential in Religious Education and, each year, make progress in their learning journey.

> Be able to communicate their learning in Religious Education and identify their next steps.

> Be able to make links between Jesus’ teachings and his life and link it to their own lives, developing them as young Catholics making a difference in our world.

> Develop their knowledge and understanding of a range of religious traditions and consider comparisons between religions.