Liturgy Leaders
At St. Anne's, we feel so passionately about what we are about, a wonderful catholic school, that we have Liturgy Leaders. The aim is to ensure the 'Catholic life of the school' remains the highest priority for everyone within the community. The members are made up of year 5 and 6 pupils who applied for the role in a letter to both Mrs Pigot and the existing council.
They do a wonderful job, helping staff and children around the school. Some of their roles include: helping to prepare school masses, helping lead the Rosary in May and October, being a good listener to others to identify where help is needed, ensuring that prayer tables in classes reflect the liturgical year and being great role models for others. We say that we want to be 'a light for others like Jesus'.
They meet every couple of weeks to discuss ideas and areas for improvement. You will know who they are by their actions and their badges, so please introduce yourself to one of the Liturgy Leaders!