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Drama Club

It is not enough to love our children, they must know that they are loved.

The stage is a place for our children to be inspired and to grow in confidence.  It is a platform in which we celebrate each child's talent.
Miss Manners

This club offers our children the chance, outside of the classroom to express themselves, showcase their talents and build upon friendships along the way.

There are many roles available within the Drama Club including:

  • Actors
  • Directors
  • Backstage Helpers

Drama Club Values
Kindness: When other children are performing I will show kindness and support them with a smile and positive comments.

Respect: When I am watching a performance I will be a quiet, respectful member of the audience.  When I am performing I will listen to my group members and respect their ideas.

Inclusivity: I will always include everyone in my group.  I will make sure other children are happy with their role in a performance.  I will listen when other children have suggestions and ideas.

Perseverance: If I feel nervous or anxious about a performance, or I am struggling to remember my lines I am going to persevere.  I won't give up straight away.  I will ask for help.

Forgiveness: I will be forgiving during a performance if another child forgets a line or a part.  We all make mistakes sometimes.  Drama club is all about having fun and learning along the way.

Drama Club Noticeboard