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Design & Technology

Design Technology at St. Anne’s Catholic Primary School
Design and Technology Lead: Mrs Taneja


At St Anne’s, Design and Technology is an inspiring, creative and practical subject; it encourages children to learn to think innovatively and problem-solve both as individuals and as members of a team. At St Anne’s, we encourage children to use their imagination to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. At St Anne’s, we inspire children to take risks, become resourceful, imaginative, innovative and capable citizens. We aim to build the foundations for Key Stage 3 and beyond and to produce learners that inspire to become designers themselves.


At St Anne’s, we believe that Design and Technology is a fundamental part of school life and learning and it is imperative that we dedicate ourselves to providing a high-quality Design and Technology Curriculum.

This is implemented through:

  • A well thought out, whole school, yearly overview of the DT curriculum which allows for progression across year groups in all areas of DT (textiles, mechanisms, structures, food and electrical systems)
  • Well planned and resourced projects providing children with a hands-on and enriching experience
  • A range of skills being taught ensuring that children are aware of health and safety issues related to the tasks undertaken. This is recorded in our St Anne’s Health and Safety Passport.
  • Teachers being given ownership and flexibility to plan for Design and Technology.
  • Pupils given time to be independent and innovative. 
  • Each project from Year 1 to Year 6 addressing the principles of designing, making, and evaluating and incorporating relevant technical knowledge and understanding in relevant contexts.
  • Pupils are introduced to specific designers, chefs, nutritionists, etc. helping to promote an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.

Early Years Foundation Stage

During the Reception year, pupils use a variety of media and materials through a combination of child initiated and adult directed activities. They have the opportunities to learn to:

  • Use different media and materials to express their own ideas
  • Use what they have learnt about media and materials in original ways, thinking about form, function and purpose
  • Make plans and construct with a purpose in mind using a variety of resources
  • Develop skills to use simple tools and techniques appropriately, effectively and safely
  • Select appropriate resources for a product and adapt their work where necessary
  • Cook and prepare food adhering to good health and hygiene routines


Children will develop confidence in Design and Technology which can be applied to other areas of the curriculum. Through carefully planned and implemented learning activities, the pupils will have the opportunity to develop their creative, technical and practical expertise which are needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world.