Bee-lieve Skydive 2023

We are thrilled to inform you that (Miss Green and Miss Manners) have bravely participated in the Bee-lieve Foundation’s 10k Challenge, they safely completed their skydive from 10,000ft on Sunday, 18th June 2023.
We would both like to thank you all for your words of encouragement and kind donations. Your support and generosity are greatly appreciated. We both thoroughly enjoyed the skydive.
Miss Manners went through a cloud while I took hold of the toggles, directing the parachute.
As a collective team of 20, we have raised nearly £20,000. This money will support mental health provision in our local area, benefiting many children.
We thank you for all your generous donations.
Miss Green & Miss Manners
The Bee-lieve Foundation is a local charity with the mission of supporting young people and their families in dealing positively with the challenges and traumas caused by mental health issues. Below is the link to the charity’s website:
As a school, we have been very fortunate to receive support from the Bee-lieve Foundation, including: providing our PSHE Scheme (Connect), a mental health support kit and training for our ELSA team. The 10k challenge provides an opportunity for St Anne’s to continue supporting the Bee-lieve Foundation in raising much needed funds and thanking them for their support thus far.
We raised £648 on Friday, 19th May 2023 from our Mufti Day & Tuck Shop.